Nonton Friday the 13th: The Series: 2×18. This is essentially two half-episodes. In the first, Micki and Ryan are trying to recover a cursed piece of rock, the Shard of Medusa, from a sculptress. Using it, she can kill a victim and transform them into a prize-winning piece of art. The cousins fail to get the Shard, and the sculptress escapes. In the second half, Micki’s visiting nephew J.B. stumbles upon a haunted house and befriends a young boy, Ricky, who is living there. It is revealed that Ricky’s parents were Satanists who bought a cursed childs’ coffin from Lewis Vendredi. The coffin can resurrect a child, but at the cost of an adult’s life. Ricky is revealed to be a ghost, and tries to claim Micki’s life. J.B. persuades him not to out of their friendship, and Ricky passes away for good.
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