Nonton Friday the 13th: The Series: 2×25. A crook names Railsback gets hold of a World War II kamikazi jacket. When smeared with the blood of a murderered victim, it lets the wearer become invisible. Railsback is in prison, but uses the jacket to escape and try to recover the stolen loot. He has to kill his former gang members to get it, a task made easier by the jacket. Railsback ends up killing Johnny Ventura’s father, a security guard at a storage depot where some of the money is hid. Johnny is arrested for the crime, and put into the same prison as Railsback. He finds out about the jacket and tries to recover it, while Micki, Ryan and Jack try to clear his name from the outside. Ultimiately, Johnny manages to douse the invisible Railsback with gasoline and set him on fire, killing him and leaving the indestructible antique intact to be put into the Vault. Johnny is cleared of the charges.
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